We all know and love the show processlist command to see what our queries are doing.
However, most of the show commands are being deprecated in favor of new information_schema virtual tables. (I believe the technical term is actually "system view".)
The new information_schema equivalent of show processlist is:
select * from information_schema.processlist \G*************************** 1. row *************************** ID: 259584 USER: readonly HOST: DB: blnCOMMAND: Query TIME: 222 STATE: Writing to net INFO: SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ * FROM `person5`*************************** 2. row *************************** ID: 259468 USER: readonly HOST: DB: blnCOMMAND: Query TIME: 0 STATE: executing INFO: select * from information_schema.processlist
The ID column appears to be the connection_id of the thread that is running the query.
The advantage of this method is that we can filter the results with a where clause, like so:
select * from information_schema.processlist where command <> 'Sleep' and id <> connection_id();
which will show only those queries that are not in sleep mode and excludes the current process.